
Blogging Paizocon 2009 - Thursday Night

Paizocon kicked off with a blast. A late arrival at SeaTac followed by drinks at the Coast Bellevue. Settled in with Ed Healy, Clinton Boomer, the lovely Miss Em, Scott Gable, Josh Stevens. Drinks and jokes all around.

The night really took off when we hit Ted's (Zuxius) room -- this guy makes some of the absolutely best home microbrews I've ever tasted. And generous? The man laid out a late night feast of snack and beverage. We talked games and movies into the wee hours suckling on Zirnakayin Dark Lager among others. Ashton (N'wah -- of Pathfinder paper mini fame), Sean (Greengrunt), Dane (ahg - can't remember his board name) and other Paizoans rounded out the mix.

The reveal of the day? Clinton Boomer does a nigh perfect Christopher Walken impression. Good times!

Gaming starts today and more reports to follow.

PS The memory gaps are not my fault. Blame Ted's outrageous cream ale.

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